Botanical University Challenge

What is Botanical University Challenge?
An annual contest of botanical knowledge between teams of UK and Irish university students.
BUC is a fun and friendly competition between teams of undergraduate & postgraduate students. It embraces many aspects of botany including plant ID, taxonomy & evolution, ecology & conservation, plant health, horticulture, agriculture & forestry as well as plants in culture & history.
The initial on-line rounds are multiple choice questions to find the four semifinalist teams. These four teams then meet in a live semi-final and final in the summer that reveals the final winner. The questions will be free answers and include some on plants provided to the teams. There will also be a round where teams look for connections between words.
Universities and botanical Institutions can enter teams of students (undergraduate or postgraduates) for this contest. The on-line knock-out and quarterfinal rounds are on 12, 19 and 26 February 2025, starting at 14:00 GMT. The live semifinal and final will be at University of Cambridge on 20 August 2025. All the contests will be streamed live on our YouTube channel.
The Third Student Botany Festival will follow the final, open to all BUC2025 contestants. It will be on 21 – 22 August 2025. It will involve 2 days of networking, talks, career sessions, workshops and visits.
All the teams have great plant-related names. Which do you think is the best? An award by the audience for the team with the most popular name.